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AKH99:Charlamagne Tha God Honors African American History at IAAM Dedication Ceremony

On June 24th, Charleston, South Carolina came alive with the vibrant spirit of African American culture as the International African American Museum (IAAM) held its community dedication ceremony at Marion Square. With South Carolina native Charlamagne Tha God, the renowned host of the syndicated radio show The Breakfast Club, serving as the charismatic host, the event was a

Yahoo News: International African American Museum in Charleston, S.C., pays new respect to the enslaved Africans who landed on its docks

Before Congress ended the transatlantic slave trade in 1808, the Port of Charleston was the nation’s epicenter of human trafficking. Almost half of the estimated 400,000 African people imported into what became the United States were brought to that Southern city, and a substantial number took their first steps on American soil at Gadsden’s Wharf on the Cooper River. Read More

CBS News: New African American museum turns site of trauma into site of triumph

The power of resilience can be felt throughout the new International African-American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina. The $120 million project, which opened its doors this summer, is no ordinary tourist attraction. The museum is built on scarred and sacred ground: Gadsden’s Wharf, the arrival point for nearly half of all enslaved Africans shipped to the U.S.

Christian Science Monitor: ‘This ground is sacred.’ How a new museum reclaims history from horror.

How does ground zero become hallowed ground? The new International African American Museum (IAAM) in Charleston, South Carolina, is an exercise – rather, an exultation – in the importance of such work. As the museum’s director of education and engagement for faith-based communities, the Rev. DeMett Jenkins identifies the importance of spiritual healing and community

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