Media Relations
The right message at the right time
Delivering the message to your target audience is critical
Tapping traditional news media and digital media are essential channels for telling your story powerfully through third-party endorsement.
From message development to media list compilation, to media kit as well as online newsroom construct, there’s not a detail overlooked. We also track local media coverage and offer national tracking services if you want to know every outlet in which your story appeared. We collect that coverage and post it to our online newsroom and prep it for posting to yours.
Our primary goal is to be sure your message is well delivered and duly heard.
Credibility, influence and reach are powerful reasons for not overlooking the power of earning and not just buying media exposure. A depth of media relations strategy goes into every communications plan we design.
What’s the power of earned media exposure?
Looking for targeted media introductions, op-ed pieces, or an updated media database?
We conduct meet and greets with target media to introduce them to you, your company, your reason for being. We want to offer them an expert source in the industry to consult, quote and tap as may be helpful in their news and feature coverage.
We develop op-ed pieces that are timely and relevant to key publications. We write by-lined articles with your input after we have researched possible outlets, editorial policies, guidelines and the ever-critical deadlines we are skilled at managing.
We develop a custom media database and update it routinely to stay current on key contacts for your industry. Our primary goal is to be sure your message is well delivered and duly heard.