Media Coverage
DeseretNews: 2023 predictions: 5 places in the U.S. that will be popular travel spots
Some of the top trending destinations in the U.S. for 2023 include Grand Teton National Park; Houston, Texas; Charleston, South Carolina; Phoenix, Arizona; and Minneapolis, Minnesota Read More

The Chronicle: International African American Museum announces opening date
CHARLESTON, S.C. – After over 20 years of planning, the International African American Museum (IAAM) has announced that the museum will be welcoming visitors for opening the weekend of January 21, 2023. Built upon the former site of Gadsden’s Wharf – one of the nation’s most prolific slave trading ports – the International African American Museum …

Black Facts: International African American Museum announces opening date
After over 20 years of planning, the International African American Museum (IAAM) has announced that the museum will be welcoming visitors for opening the weekend of January 21, 2023. Read More
The Post and Courier: The story of David Drake, an enslaved potter
In the First Hall of The Charleston Museum, a pair of stoneware vessels looms large. Positioned one atop the other in an illuminated glass case, their mass and heft begs a question: How were those behemoths turned, coiled and lifted, let alone lugged into some cave of a kiln to be fired and dragged out …

Columbia Business Monthly: Charleston 50 Most Influential
Charleston Business Magazine celebrates another year of honoring the region’s most influential people. The selection of our 50 men and women is a result of staff research and community nominations. Read More
The Times and Democrat: Charleston’s African American museum delays opening
CHARLESTON — Heating, cooling and humidity issues have forced officials to delay the scheduled January opening of the International African American Museum in Charleston. Read More
Architect: Opening of the anticipated International African American Museum pushed back due to climate control problems
Construction of the Moody Nolan and Pei Cobb Freed & Partners-designed International African American Museum (IAAM) began in the fall of 2019 after nearly two decades of planning. In April, a request for additional funding was submitted to the city of Charleston in order to complete the genealogy center that’s planned for the museum. The board apparently had known about …
AP News: Charleston’s African American museum delays opening
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Heating, cooling and humidity issues have forced officials to delay the scheduled January opening of the International African American Museum in Charleston. Read More