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Media Coverage

LowcountryBizSC: IAAM adds PR and community relations manager

The International African American Museum (IAAM) has added Keisha Kirkland as the public and community relations manager. In this role, Kirkland will be responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy for IAAM to drive awareness, interest, and engagement with both the local community and the world at large. Read More

The Chronicle: International African American Museum announces opening date

CHARLESTON, S.C. – After over 20 years of planning, the International African American Museum (IAAM) has announced that the museum will be welcoming visitors for opening the weekend of January 21, 2023.  Built upon the former site of Gadsden’s Wharf – one of the nation’s most prolific slave trading ports – the International African American Museum

CRBJBizWire.com: IAAM adds PR and community relations manager

Charleston, S.C. – The International African American Museum (IAAM) has added Keisha Kirkland as the public and community relations manager. In this role, Kirkland will be responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy for IAAM to drive awareness, interest, and engagement with both the local community and the world at large. Read More

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