Live 5 News: State allots $1M for advertising of Internat’l African American Museum

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) – The state is giving the International African American Museum $1 million to expand advertising after the museum applied for funds.
The museum says expanding its targeted reach will benefit tourism across the Lowcountry.
Explore Charleston Board Chair Dan Blumenstock says it’s been an attraction for families as well as educational groups and individuals.
In one year, the museum reported nearly 200,000 visitors. The museum estimates it created an economic impact of more than $82 million.
Blumenstock says as people walk through the museum, they walk through the city, visiting hotels, restaurants and stores as well.
“I think anytime we have an investment from anyone, whether it’s state, whether it’s federal, whether it’s even on the local level for additional, really kind of advertising and promotion, it benefits, everyone,” Blumenstock says.
He believes the museum is an asset worth funding because of the important connection to history, sitting on an old slave port at Gadsden’s Wharf.
“For the International African American Museum to get these funds and be able to be able to showcase what it is that that our country needs to be able to see. That’s a great thing,” Blumenstock says.