lowcountrybizSC: Local business leader launches quest to become King of America
Local business leader launches quest to become King of America
Oct 3, 2012

High is banking on the notion that readers and followers will see his plan as a viable solution to at least some of the current crisis. He believes that this just might be a new way to lead our country in a better direction, and feels his message is worth a listen, a read and some dialogue between concerned citizens and they, in turn, with their current political leaders. Some are already hailing the book as an overdue answer to a nation in both a financial and political debacle.
Robert E. “Teddy” Turner became a quick fan of the book and the ideas High sets forth. “Maybe America needs a king – or perhaps a benevolent dictator – who can get things done. More importantly, we need people to read books like this and understand the mess we are in,” Turner commented. “I am so pleased that Kevin has taken the time to develop these ideas and spell them out in this book, and I’m proud of his efforts to help the country I love so dearly!”
Though the book is notable because of the serious ideas it puts forth, it offers up a good dose of humor too. In it, High taps well-respected business leaders for his “royal cabinet” and sets out “royal amendments” designed to correct many of the issues currently plaguing America. These include ideas to streamline the government, to fix the tax code, to remove motivation for corruption, and to bind the financial success of our representatives to the degree to which their constituents are flourishing.
“Yes, the concept of having a King of America might at first seem a bit unorthodox, but my ideas are serious, and I want people to read the book with an eye toward changing the political quagmire that currently shackles our government,” High said. “We are better than our current state, and I believe the ideas in King can help us get to a better place. I want people to first understand how deep the issues we have today are, then explore with me what it might take to change our course. There are ways we can fix things that will result in a system that’s fair to every American whether they’re wealthy or poor.”
In a realistic examination of the issues, High points to a quote from Winston Churchill as one of his most cherished: “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.”
High spent two years researching and writing King after many years spent developing, financing, and growing businesses in the Northeast and South. He owned his first business before entering college and now runs several ventures from his adopted hometown of Charleston, S.C. It’s not his business experience that High wants to share, however, it’s his ideas for a new America.
About the Author
Kevin High didn’t set out to be King of America, but years of successfully building and selling businesses led him to believe we just might need a King. Born into a family of business owners, he developed an entrepreneurial spirit as a child and started his first business before the age of 18, before most have completed a college education. Through more than 25 years of working with large and small businesses, as a stock broker and venture capitalist, High came to a place of both frustration and enlightenment with the current political system in the United States. In King, he spells out a provocative, yet simple plan for changing the course of our country, and he does it with a strong dose of humor and cold hard facts. High currently rests his crown each night at his home in Charleston, S.C., and frequently travels back to his other “royal residence” in New York City.