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The Magpie Mason: Museum to honor Masons

Despite this blog having zero visitors from South Carolina, let me tell you about an interesting event coming later this month in Charleston, where the International African American Museum will salute the local Prince Hall Grand Lodge.
From December 14 to 17, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina will convene its 155th Annual Session in Charleston, and on Sunday the 17th, the IAAM will welcome the brethren for a day devoted to them. There will be a 10 a.m. church service at Mother Emanuel AME Church (110 Calhoun Street) from which there will be a parade at 12:30 to the museum. (The parade will turn right onto Concord Street, then left onto Inspection Street, then right onto Wharfside Street, ending at the museum at 14 Wharfside.)
From the publicity:
Since 1868, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina Free and Accepted Masons has been actively involved in making a difference in the community through faith-based, economic, and political engagement. Their work has focused on improving conditions for African-Americans, helping them build their own churches, schools, and businesses. The Masons have funded various social justice campaigns from the 1940s throughout the Civil Rights era. Under the leadership of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Victor C. Major, the group is working with the theme “Bridging the Gap of the Past, with an Eye on our Future, while Protecting our Brand.”
“Charleston is the home of the first five Masonic lodges established in South Carolina. One of the earliest known Masonic lodges began with African-American military men during the Civil War on Morris Island here. We are honored to recognize the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina and its work promoting fellowship, charity, and personal development in the state,” said Dr. Aurelio Givens, IAAM Faith Based Engagement and Education Manager.
I haven’t been able to learn what the IAAM has planned for the occasion, but it is scheduled to end at two o’clock, so maybe there’ll be a reception, some brief speeches, and refreshments in the West Yard of the African Ancestors Memorial Garden. I am not seeing anything on a possible exhibit on Freemasonry. (And you can’t get a human being on the phone.)
I wish the brethren a productive and harmonious Annual Session, a nourishing church service, and favorable weather for the procession to the museum.

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