Secretary of the Smithsonian Lonnie G. Bunch III is first guest on the newly launched International African American Museum’s Salon Marronage speaker series

Secretary Bunch and IAAM President and CEO Dr. Tonya Matthews will discuss how museums have become narrators of our collective journey and inspirations for future generations. Charleston, S.C. — The International African American Museum (IAAM) is proud to announce a new dynamic speakers series, Salon Marronage, that promises to ignite community conversations and inspire change.

Reunions Magazine: Harvesting History at reunions like IAAM

We enjoyed working with Reunions Magazine on this story about the Center for Family History at the International African American Museum. Check out the two page spread (pp. 10-11) by following the link below:

Upgraded Points: The 11 Best Museums in Charleston, South Carolina [2024]

Amar Hussain reports on the best museums in Charleston, S.C., naming the International African American Museum as one of them:  “Charleston’s International African American Museum, or IAAM, is one of the city’s newest museums, opening to the public officially in 2023. IAAM’s mission is to help visitors learn and engage with the history of African Americans